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Going digital and what's wrong with the current insurance experience
11 December 2022

We live in the digital era where life is saturated by technological advancements that occur rapidly everyday. There are so many services and practices that have evolved to keep up with the digital shift, from the way kids are taught at school, to the way people self-checkout at supermarkets and many more. The fact remains that technology streamlines everything, and it’s essential for businesses to keep up with it in order to thrive.

Quashed personifies this shift. Justin Lim, CEO of Quashed, noticed a gap in the insurance industry, where the whole process seemed outdated and stuck in a time that we don’t live in anymore. In 2020, Quashed was launched, when technology became the focus given the pandemic sweeping the globe. With lockdowns becoming the norm, technology became vital in order for people to stay connected and to facilitate a feeling of normality through working from home, having zoom calls, playing games online with friends, online shopping, the list goes on.

The insurance industry was one that had yet to evolve, and that's what Quashed set out to do: evolve. We aim to upgrade the current experience people have with insurance from the way people compare their options, the way they use an adviser, all the way through to the management of their policies. It's an all in one platform that takes care of all your insurance so you never have to worry about it.

Two big processes in the insurance industry we wanted to enhance were the adviser (broker) experience and the management experience.

Adviser experience

The adviser experience was one of the first areas in the industry we saw as needing a revamp. The issue we found was how time-consuming and inconvenient it was. If we're being honest, face-to-face meetings are not entirely necessary these days given the fact we have an abundance of online meeting platforms that we can use to host meetings virtually.

At Quashed, you are connected to our in-house adviser, and all meetings are taken over call. We know how busy schedules can get, and at the end of the day, it's just so much easier to hop on your device and have a conversation from wherever you choose and at any time you choose, even first thing in the morning when you're in bed.

Management experience

Insurance can involve a lot of paperwork, forms and information which can come in the form of emails, attachments and mail sent to your house. By the time you have sorted it out, all your documents and policies are in different places and then you're left with having to try to organise and manage it. Insurance is already fiddly enough as it is, let alone getting it done, and having to then keep records of it can be frustrating.

This was another issue Quashed picked up on as outdated when it came to insurance. With technology being so advanced, having an online platform that tackles this problem of having your insurance in bits and pieces all over the place was a no-brainer. On our platform, we have created a dashboard where all your documents and policies are compiled and organised neatly, so you never have to worry about where you may have tucked and forgotten about them and can instead access them within a few clicks.

The main takeaway here is that adapting to your environment is key. No innovation? No change. In an industry that is cemented in processes that are no longer efficient, it was important that something came in and challenged it. Quashed is that challenger and embodies the technological shift we experience every day. Ironically enough, even though we are pretty passionate about insurance, we understand that from many people’s point of view, it may be boring and an annoyance and a half to sort out. So whether you want to do your insurance yourself or with an adviser, we make it way easier, more convenient and A LOT less painful! Update your insurance experience with us now!

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