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The average Kiwi household can save $2,023.79 a year by shopping their insurance!

Find out how your renewal prices stack up against other options out there!

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*Household average savings is calculated assuming: 2 x Cars, 1 x House and 1 x Contents insurance policy. Average price difference and median price difference are calculated from data generated by Market Scan across thousands of quotes from 1 Jan 23 to 31 Mar 23

What is Contents insurance?
What is considered Contents for insurance purposes?
Do I need Contents insurance?
Can I get Contents insurance if I’m renting?
Is Contents insurance the same as warranty on a product?
How much does Contents insurance cost?
How much should I insure my Contents for?
How can I compare Contents insurance?
What is the best Contents insurance?
What is the cheapest Contents insurance?
How do I make a claim on my Contents insurance?
How can I make the most from my Contents insurance policy?

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